“This particular constellation of players seemed to have the talent and drive to try out for something this ambitious,” said director, Hasse Borup, Associate Professor and String Area Head who encouraged them to apply. “This quartet is a symbiosis of four highly talented and accomplished string students, who has hit a very successful combination of ambition and ability. I am very proud of their achievements and desire to perform some of the greatest repertoire written at the highest level."
During the seminar, the quartet will receive intensive coaching and mentoring with members of the Juilliard String Quartet, have a rehearsal studio, and perform in a public concert at Juilliard. The Juilliard Quartet is the longest serving and most illustrious quartet, and the knowledge they stand to gain from this experience is irreplaceable and will shape them as musicians. Members Melissa Combe, Violin, Jakob Hofer, Violin, Sunny Johnson, Viola, and Lauren Posey, Cello are elated at the opportunity. “Its like working with music celebrities,” said Combe, “we’ll come back a much better group.”
Started in 2008, the School of Music Graduate String Quartet program offers dedicated string players serious quartet experience and the chance to log extensive performance opportunities on and off campus as musical ambassadors for the U of U. Combe, Hofer, Johnson, Posey have been playing together since August of 2012, and say this group “just works.”
The quartet has worked hard to secure funds for the trip, as they are responsible for their own accommodations, meals, and incidental expenses while in New York City. But it will be well worth it. “Spending an entire week with such the Juilliard Quartet is amazing,” said Combe, “Usually you only get a one-time coaching, but an entire week will really help us get dig into the pieces we are working on.”
The quartet will return to Salt Lake City in time to work with renowned Emerson Quartet violinist Philip Setzer at the School of Music Chamber Music Workshop June 16-20. The summer Chamber Music Workshop has a long history of bringing distinguished artists to campus and Setzer is at the top of the list. Setzer will perform in concert June 18th at 7:30pm in Libby Gardner Concert Hall. Accompanied byJason Hardink, piano and Hasse Borup, violin Setzer will perform works by Bartok, Ravel and Beethoven.
The University of Utah School of Music offers a comprehensive program of music study on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The School of Music educates professionally-oriented students across the musical spectrum through rigorous musical and academic experiences; serves the art of music through performance, composition, research and publication; and functions as the state’s center for intellectual, educational, and cultural musical activities. It has been an accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Music since 1952.
For more information on the Chamber Music Workshop see the School of Music website at music.utah.edu. For more on the Graduate Quartet see finearts.utah.edu.
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